Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Role of Global Indians in Rising India

Certainly India is the most successful country since the rise of globalization 3.0 era which has flattened the world nobody ever imagined. No other country has been able to match the ascendancy of India. Even the nation's founders could not have imagined the prospects of the wealthier & more fulfilling life that awaits in her destiny. The founder's were right in sowing the seeds of high quality education system in the fibre of the country which helped create world class Engineering & Management Institutes. But the socialist environment shackled the dreams of those bright engineers once they graduated from these institutes. For many it was a nightmare to find jobs. Very few managed to escape to the western countries & most lamented on the docks of Bombay & Calcutta. Then came 1991, when India opened her economy. That gave its citizens the chance to fulfill their dreams. Thousands flew to the US, Europe & many more places around the world. Some policy makers started complaining that we are having a brain drain. In a way they were right, the subsidized education made possible by the Indian tax payers' money was not helping India, rather its benefits were exploited by foreign companies. But in capitalist world everything is free flowing and there will be time when those same NRIs will start giving back to the nation. That's precisely what is happening. Once called brain drain now is called brain gain. I came to the US (as many of my friends) to pursue my advanced engineering education. The quality & intellectual rigour of my engineering education in India provided a strong preparation for the discipline required by the US school. India's economy & the global economy would need the very sharpest thinking of the "best & the brightest". Those skills would be required in engineering, high technology, finance, health care and management. Indians who live abroad today have a greater role to play to strengthen India and help all Indians become the very best they can possibly be. Indian diaspora abroad is a powerful resource for building the strong nation. India's global citizens who are equipped with advanced education and higher skills have a pivotal role to play in nation building. As India's economic growth continues there will be time when the socially advantaged class of people like us will have to uplift poverty stricken masses & integrate them in main society. If those poor people can not enjoy the success of this rapid wealth generation we will all fail The only realistic response to such chronic poverty and civic disorganization is to pursue policies & paths that will help create jobs and generate wealth and then to devise ways to distribute that wealth throughout society. For that India needs 5 Sonys, 5 Intels , 5 Samsungs of its own. There should be sensible public private partnership & the process of reforms should not only continue, but should happen with more bold steps taken in opening the economy. Inventions & innovations happen only in capital free markets. Indians living oversea are today contributing to create stronger companies and institutions abroad which can then do business with India based partners. Indians are thus taking part, at home & abroad, in a healthy phase of globalization which can enrich both developing nations & the already wealthy developed ones. Both global & home based Indians, enjoying the success in the global economy, will soon be positioned to reap full measures of benefits from their talent, creativity and enterprise. With this new found prosperity comes new responsibility to help build stronger India. By committing ourselves to that goal would help lifting India into the leadership ranks among prosperous nations.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice Abhay ...Nice Analysis of pros of Indians migrating to US.Keep writing